These Pictures are from the first day I started my locs, June 16, 2010. I started them at a natural hair salon in my area, with the comb coil method.
Sorry I only have one good picture of how they looked at the first month mark. Here it is
These are my locs at the three month mark. I skipped the second month because there wasn't much growth in between.
This next one is the picture I have from the fourth month it is not groomed! Yay. If you are a re-twist freak you shouldn't be I understand people think it's unprofessional, if that's the case where a nice headwrap to work or that internship you have. New growth is beautiful embrace it!
These next pictures are from the six month I believe. I skipped the months where the growth wasn't noticeable. If you haven't noticed the pattern.
These next ones are from the six and a half mark lol
7 Months!!!!
One good thing to think about before you get your locs is how thick or big you want them. As you can see mine are tiny, I realized afterwards that I want them a bit thicker, so I take much more time in between re-twists just to let the thickness prevail. this isn't a proven method (and I still wash in between salon re-twists.)
8 MONTHS!!!!
Closer To 9 Months(Not Quite)
(Excuse the dirty mirror, and my silly face I was trying to wink lol. Epic fail.)